Sister Eroti-Quill
Sister Name(s):
Sister Eroti-Quill
Guard Whip-Ur-Luscious
Position in Order:
Mistress of SASS
Mistress of Propaganda

Date you joined the order:
May 2nd, 2015

Parent, Clergy, HomoErotic Author, and LGBTQ+ author of New Adult Romance
When did you discover your calling? And why did you join?
PrideFest 2014 when I met Sister Teddy Tuck, who intrigued me and spoke of the kinds of things the Sisters help with: the charity, love, fun, and outreach. It wasn’t until the UWM Drag Ball 2015 that I again met the Sisters and shortly after that, felt that that's where I belonged. That they were exactly the kind of organization and people I wanted and needed.
Favorite Quote:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. Dr. Seuss
You will never be successful at finding a beloved if you don’t learn to accept who you are completely. Dalton Harrison III (Temptations of Desire)
The greatest inspirations in my life were/are my maternal grandparents, my spiritual faith, my chosen family, the Dali Lamma, and my loved ones.
Religious beliefs:
Wiccan / Spiritual

Goals and Aspirations:
To help and encourage others, and to make a difference in the lives of others – gay, straight, bi, pan, female, male, transgender, genderfluid, et all. I see all people as equal, deserving, and precious.

Rules by which I live:
The Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will.