Sister Truly Fierce
Position in Order:
Missionary Status

Date you joined the order:
Feburary 2006 (Founding Member)

Salon Owner/Stylist

When did you discover your calling?
I met Sister Rhoda Kill of the LASPI only after we had been friends for over a year. We were watching Channel 1 Release videos at a bar and the Sisters were in several shots. We go to discussing the Sisters and I was put in touch with Sr Clara Compassionatta of MOPI and the rest is Sistory...

Why did you join?
I joined to help further LGBT awareness in the Wisconsin area and to continue the work of the founding Sisters in San Francisco. To make people smile and enjoy life while helping others help themselves.

Favorite Quote:
Life is too mysterious to take it serious. We only get one chance to make a difference so live for today for it is a gift we all must not take for granted. Promise me you will remeber: you're braver than you believe, and stonger than you seem, and smarter than you think. (Christopher Robin to Pooh)
My inspiration is the everyday small miracles and wonders that you witness. Being with a strong group of motivated and unique individuals who march to the beat of their own drum.